Makisu Software Consulting Services (DBA

Works remotely within the Philippines

Think you’d be a good fit for this role? Send your resume to [email protected]

Know someone who would be a good fit? We’ll pay you 7000 PHP for any successful referral that gets hired in. Intro them to [email protected]

About the Company

Our purpose at Makisu is to change global perspectives about Filipino tech talent — that it is capable of building higher-quality products that make positive contributions to the world. We value individual growth while maintaining a global perspective about the world.


We’ve built, a productized servies platform that has literally changed the lives of the best tech freelancers in the Philippines, some of whom are compensated more than their day jobs.


We’ve also built, a SaaS platform that allows gamers to configure their game servers easily. We are currently raising a pre-seed round for this product to formally enter into the enterprise game server hosting space.

Feel free to read more on our purpose, mission, and values below:

Purpose, Mission, Values

About the Job

We’re a language-agnostic company. Our stack uses a combination of different languages, and we’ll train you as long as you’re willing to learn.